Preparing students for a successful future

Parents Partnership
We endeavour to work in partnership with parents and make them feel confident to ensure that the transition from home to nursery is as smooth as possible. We offer each family three free settling in sessions that will be adapted based on the number of days the child attends.
Parents are invited to termly stay and play sessions. Here they can interact with their children in the setting and spend some time with the key person. Parents also meet each other and see who their child plays with during the day. We also celebrate each child’s birthday as well as a number of different cultural celebrations.
The Early Years Log
We make a strong partnership with parents through the eyLog Parent App by sharing children’s progress with parents regularly, keeping them updated and informed with golden moments, reports, and assessments.
eyLog parents portal and parent app enable parents to access their child’s learning journey, daily diaries, reports, add home observations, building a rich portrait of a child’s early years.
Daily Diary
Parents receive a diary entry for every day their child is attending the Nursery. This, together with daily feedback from the child’s key person ensures that as much information as possible is given to the parents. The diary consists of mealtime entries, nappy changes, sleep duration and a much loved photo feature with a short description. The key person reflects on the child’s day with the parent, giving them more feedback on activities and interactions.
Baseline Assessment
Within the first four to six weeks the key person, along with the deputy manager, will assess the child using the EYFS curriculum (Early Years Foundation Stage) in the areas of physical development, communication, and language, plus social-emotional development. This forms the starting point for every child’s learning and development. Parents are invited to a meeting to discuss the results as well as the next steps.
After the starting point for the child is established, staff begin to plan activities based on the EYFS. Children learn through play and repetition during these times. The key person writes an observation based on the activities planned and this is made available to parents on a weekly basis. Spontaneous observations, where the child has achieved or shown abilities unique to them and their progress, outside of the EYFS, will also be recorded.
From the age of two, the Montessori curriculum is added and taught throughout the day.

Progress reports are completed on a termly basis and made available to the parents. This consolidates all the achievements of the child and gives the key person an opportunity to reflect on each child’s development areas. Meetings are offered to parents and new next steps discussed.
Home Observations

Parents can share the special moments captured at home or anywhere via app, allowing parents to be more involved in their child’s development and learning journey.